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Veronica's Wellness Secrets

I am a Certified Professional Life and Health Coach. I help busy people who are struggling to make healthy choices at home or at work. Are you working so hard that you are exhausted by day's end? Have no energy to exercise? Are you in an office where you sit in meetings? Are you happy in your career? Are you busy chasing around, shuttling the kids to games and classes? When you're home for the night, and food is calling - do you crave comfort food, or are you just too busy to cook and go to the drive-through? If any or all of this sounds like you, I can help you discover new habits so you have more energy, better sleep, balanced work-life. You will learn how to de-stress, determine if you're in the right job, discover your purpose, and be your best self.
Avoid that blood-sugar rollercoaster, and even lose a few unwanted pounds if that's what you want.


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Our Premises

  • Raleigh, NC, USA