Internal Balance
Laurel Garner is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Laurel has been an employee of Vitamin King for over 7 years. Laurel offers education, support and guidance to individuals to find balance, wellness and vitality.
Our body is continually striving to bring us back to our natural state of health and wellness. Laurel will provide you with the tools to learn to listen to your bodies messages and discover what your individual body needs for optimal wellness. Laurel will support you in finding the foods and lifestyle that support your unique biochemistry and assist you in reestablishing your natural internal balance.
By providing support to individuals, Laurel assists clients in reestablishing their natural internal balance.
Laurel does this by providing face to face, phone or online support sessions where she will assess clients current health concerns, and food choices. Laurel will create a plan which may include meal planning and recipes, lifestyle support and supplementation recommendations to fulfill clients health goals. The services Laurel provides are unique because she wants to work from where the client is at and help them discover how they can heal themselves with out relying on diets, fads and drugs. Individuals that will benefit from Laurel's services are those who have a desire to be more full of life, energy, vitality, health and balance. This session is only available once per person/ per year. Booking must be made the day before session is offered.